
Another Mat Temberang with a delay tactic...


Najib Abdul Razak’s hot-shot lawyer, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, claimed that whilst he was playing with his pet dog, he fell and possibly fractured his wrist.

Ahhhh….schoolboys used to give “the dog ate my homework excuse”, but when a hot-shot Umno-Baru lawyer, uses the doggie excuse, he only sounds desperate. 

At least, Najib has skilfully mastered social media to try and uplift his image of a man being persecuted and victimised by Pakatan Harapan.

Shafee has done the opposite. Social media successfully ridiculed him that he lost all credibility as a hard nosed, hard-as-nails and dismissive lawyer.

What did he do to claw back his image? The following day, he issued a long, rambling, blow-by-blow, bark-by-bark account of his rough-tumble with his dog.

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It was a long report by Malaysiakini, which you can read here. (It is “cheong hei” and will put you to sleep.) The report is around 2,000 words long with half of that dedicated to how he bought his first dog, a mixed-breed, to turn into a guard dog.

Thinking about the future, to prepare for any eventualities, he bought another mixed-breed puppy to keep the first dog company.

It was the puppy, which is now 10-months old, which caused him to fall.

He then went on to describe how his human guards are not as good as his guard dogs. Then he said his dog is so playful, strong and big for his age, as well as strong, fast, cunning, playful and obedient. (Yawn).

True to fashion, he boasted about his professional dog trainer who is a former police K-9 unit personnel trained by the FBI. I suppose he wanted us to be impressed…(more yawns)

Then he described the actual encounter of the playful pup which made him lose his balance. He fell “squarely on his left arm” but he was such a hero, that he did not feel any pain till several hours later.

This went on, and on and on. (Careful! You might fall asleep and fall off your chair).

Shafee described how his Indonesian employee massaged his hand, whilst he worked with his other lawyers till 1 am. Perhaps, we are supposed to praise him for his dedication to duty.

When he said, he felt his arm stiffening, because he believed that it was “due to working hard in preparing for the appeals at the Court of Appeal on Monday and Tuesday”, one did not know whether to laugh or feel pity for him. 

That stiffening in his hand is more likely arthritis setting in.

There was more of the “I was working till 4.30 am” stuff  and more of the same of how he was such a hard worker, continued into the next day’s events.

blah blah blah blah blah….ditto

The amazing thing is that he sounded desperate. He said too much, in great detail. He thought he could convince us, but he only managed to do the opposite.

The dog was actually a red herring. because Shafee was leading-up to the bit where he blamed the Attorney-General’s chambers for delaying Najib’s trial.

The other amazing thing is that whilst you and I are not fooled by his excuse, the three appellate judges, Zabariah Mohd Yusof, Lau Bee Lan and Rhodzariah Bujang appeared to believe his “wrist injury” shaggy dog story.

He showed Malaysiakini reporters his almost-the-size-of-a-tennis-ball size swelling on his left hand. 

If he was in pain and worried about a possible fracture, why did he not immediately go to the A and E of the nearest hospital or a clinic, after his fall?

If he had broken any bones, he would not have been able to function as he claimed to have done.

Anyone who has experienced broken bones, knows the excruciating pain. He would not have been able to attend a hearing at Shah Alam and then Putrajaya, and also work late until the early hours of the morning, as he claimed to have done.

Moreover, if he was worried about the swelling on the area between his wrist and his fingers, why did he NOT remove his massive ring in case the blood supply to it was constricted?

So, is Shafee more of a Mat Temberang trying out the latest delay tactic, or is he just “cheong hei”?

He’s such a drama queen. The whole nation is happier to wait for the real drama in court, on Friday.- Mariam Mokhtar

Pasai apa Najib masih belum 
dan tidak di Penjara lagi..

Kerana korup paling DAHSYAT yang telah dilakukan oleh AG terdahulu Apandi Ali (Peguam Negara @ ahli Umno) Kerajaan Malaysia menerima sebahagian daripada dokumen dari DOJ & FBI.

Rekod urus niaga dan rekod urus niaga adalah "tulen" yang tidak boleh diubah / diduplikasi atau dipalsukan oleh pangkalan data transaksi bank.

Dari rekod ini disahkan bahawa RM2.6 bilion dikreditkan ke akaun peribadi Najib oleh Tanore Finance Corporation, yang dimiliki oleh Jho Low.

Persoalan-persoalan yang bermain dalam fikiran rakyat adalah:

Jika ada bukti kukuh, kenapa Najib masih belum dibawa ke mahkamah pada 1MDB?

Untuk maklumat semua orang, proses untuk menuduh Najib tidak mudah seperti menangkap pencuri motosikal.

Terdapat cukup bukti undang-undang yang jelas, tetapi kerana bekas Peguam Negara, Appandi telah menyatakan bahawa Najib tidak melakukan apa-apa yang salah (mengenai IMDB) prosedur ini mesti terlebih dahulu dibuat Null & Void secara sah sebelum Najib boleh dikenakan.

Untuk membatalkan keputusan / ketetapan bekas AG tidak mudah kerana ia berhadapan dengan perlembagaan - Perkara 145 (3) iaitu semua kenyataan / keputusan yang dibuat oleh Peguam Negara tidak boleh dibuka semula atau dibincangkan dalam mana-mana forum atau sebarang bentuk.

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Ini bermakna, Najib tidak boleh didakwa mengikut alasan Perkara 145 (3).

Tommy Thomas(TT) dipilih sebagai AG, bukan kerana kita bersifat perkauman atau kerana kita memandang rendah kaum lain tetapi kerana TT adalah seorang pegawai undang-undang yang sangat berkebolehan, cekap dan mahir.

Beliau sangat mahir dan akan dapat melaksanakan prosedur pembatalan bekas Peguam Negara, keputusan Appandi terhadap Najib. Juga, TT adalah yang terbaik daripada 500 peguam terbaik di dunia.

Walaupun kes ini adalah sangat teknikal dan rumit, walaupun peguam biasa tidak dapat melihat / memikirkan cara untuk melakukannya, TT kini berada di peringkat akhir menyelesaikan prosedur (untuk Kerajaan berjaya dalam pembukaan semula kes 1MDB) dan membatalkan / mencabar keputusan Appandi.

Penduduk Malaysia sangat sibuk dan tidak sabar melihat Najib didakwa.

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Sila bersabar.

Ia bukan kerana kerajaan PH sengaja melambatkan kes itu; tetapi kita perlu menjalankan prosedur untuk menurunkan keputusan Appandi terlebih dahulu.

Soalan: Bila? Bagaimana?

Jawapan: Ia harus mengikut Peraturan Undang-undang. Hanya beberapa minggu sebelum Najib akan ditugaskan.

Sekiranya TT tidak berjaya dan gagal menurunkan / membatalkan keputusan Appandi (pada 1MDB), kes ini tidak boleh lagi dibawa ke mahkamah semula.

Kerana perkara ini bertentangan dengan prinsip perlembagaan keadilan dimana integritas AG ditentang.

Hasilnya: Jika disabitkan, Najib tidak boleh dibebaskan dan masa yang dipenjarakan akan berusia 10 - 20 tahun atau lebih.

Anda boleh berkongsi atau menyalin mesej ini untuk menjelaskan keadaan yang sebenarnya jika ada yang bertanya. Sehingga kini, saya menyimpan info ini kepada diri sendiri tetapi rakyat terus bertanya tanpa mengetahui proses undang-undang sehingga saya diwajibkan untuk menerangkan - Dr. Halim J..

6 questions about: Pasir Gudang chemical dumping

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