
PAS Senator Mohd Apandi Links Teen Suicides To Korean Dramas

Mohd Apandi Mohamad

PAS senator links teen suicides to Korean dramas


PAS Senator Mohd Apandi Mohamad has been at the receiving end of brickbats after he suggested that South Korean dramas may contribute to teenage suicides in Malaysia.

He said that this was because many of these shows tend to depict suicide as an option for individuals who have failed in life.

He said this during a Dewan Negara sitting yesterday after PKR Senator Fadhlina Sidek had requested an immediate intervention on the current mental health crisis faced by the nation.


Senator PAS dikecam kait remaja bunuh diri dengan drama Korea


Senator Mohd Apandi Mohamad dikecam selepas mencadangkan drama Korea Selatan mungkin menjadi salah satu faktor yang mendorong orang ramai - khususnya remaja - membunuh diri.

Terdahulu Apandi membangkitkan isu tersebut ketika membahaskan RMK12 di Dewan Negara semalam, selepas Senator Fadhlina Sidek memohon campur tangan segera dalam isu krisis kesihatan mental di negara ini.

Source: KiniTV YouTube
