
Dahi saja hitam tapi...
Nasharudin ini adalah petualang yang hendak membawa Pas untuk bersama dengan Umno dari 2008 lagi. Cara dia menyalurkan duit ialah melalui Suwardi.
Dan Suwardi ini pula telah disebut 3 kali dalam audio Nik Mohamad Abduh sebagai bridge antara Umno dan Pas. Ingat, Zahid Hamidi juga mengaku yang kerjasama sulit Pas dan Umno sudah lebih 10 tahun

Bila Nasharudin didakwa di mahkamah nanti, dia nak tak nak akan terpaksa buka semua cerita yang mahu di tutup selama ini. Saya yakin paling kurang Nik Abduh juga akan turut diheret dalam perbicaraan penggubahan wang haram.
Kalau dapat sangkut yang lain macam Takiri, Tantawi, Dr Sam dan Abg Ipar Din Ayam, e.g. mana2 nama yang sangkut dalam audio nik abduh (yang sudah disahkan sebagai asli oleh peguam presiden sendiri di London) itu sudah kira bonus.
Sebab ini juga mereka sanggup bayar 1.4 juta ringgit tarik balik saman di mahkamah London, kerana mereka tahu kalau Presiden disoal siasat oleh peguam Clare Rewcastle Brown, rahsia mereka makan duit umno akan terbongkar.

"Dan mereka merancang (tipu daya), Allah juga merancang (membalas tipu daya), dan Allah sebaik-baik perancang (membalas tipu daya)." (Surah Ali `Imraan : ayat 54)
Sesungguhnya Allah bersama dengan orang yang sabar; walaupun 7 bulan menunggu, akhirnya kebenaran itu muncul jua.
Saya berharap Nik Abduh segeralah bertaubat dan ingatlah ini semua kirafah sebab enta engkar pada pesanan Ayahanda ente supaya tidak berbaik-baik dengan Umno. - f/bk

Nasharudin ni penasihat SPRM tau di zaman Najib. Jika di dapati bersalah
hukuman perlu berganda dari rakyat biasa kerana menjelaskan reputasi SPRM.

Dalam list dakwaan Mahkamah hari ni, Lebai "alim" PAS didakwa menggunakan duit Kerajaan yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk bersedekah, untuk pendidikan dsb, sebaliknya telah digunakan untuk beli keta mewah (Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo), beli rumah kedai (shoplot), bayar perkahwinan anak lelaki dia, bayar kolej fee anak lelaki dia, bagi loan RM34 ribu kepada anak perempuan dia (sebab dia kata BERSEDEKAH patutnya bermula di rumah) dan macam-macam lagi..- f/bk 🤣🤣

Dr.Mahathir mangsa tipu helah
Azmin semburit...
1. Selepas komplotnya bersama Hishammuddin Hussein terbongkar, Azmin Ali akhirnya secara tidak sedar ketika menjawab soalan media mengakui bahawa memang dia merupakan dalang yang cuba menghalang perjanjian peralihan kuasa Pakatan Harapan dapat dilaksanakan.
2. Azmin dilaporkan berkata, dia mahu agar Dr Mahathir Muhamad terus menjadi Perdana Menteri untuk satu penggal walaupun perkara itu bertentangan dengan persefahaman PH sejak sebelum Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) lalu.
3. Kenyataan Azmin itu juga sangat jelas untuk menyeret Dr Mahathir menjadi seorang yang sekali lagi memungkiri janji dan tidak boleh dipercayai bukan sahaja di antara Dr Mahathir dan Anwar, tetapi juga di antara Dr Mahathir dan PH secara keseluruhannya.
4. Jawapan Azmin untuk sekaligus membuktikan kenyataan awal PH dan PKR sebelum ini bahawa memang wujud komplotuntuk menghalang peralihan kuasa dan seterusnya menghancurkan kerajaan PH.

6. Untuk rekod, sehingga kini kes skandal video semburit itu masih belum selesai siasatan sepertimana kenyataan Polis baru-baru ini. Cuma Azmin sahaja yang menyebutkan dan yakin yang dirinya tidak bersalah walaupun siasatan tetap berjalan.
7. Oleh itu kenyataan terbaru Azmin untuk melanggari persefahaman dan perjanjian PH bagi melaksanakan peralihan kuasa secara jelas membuktikan beliau merupakan dalang komplot yang selama ini membuat politik Malaysia tidak stabil.
8. Sebelum ini Azmin menjanjikan jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri kepada Mukhriz Mahathir sekiranya Dr Mahathir mahu mengambil beliau sebagai PM, namun tembelang itu telah pecah apabila rupa-rupanya dalam masa sama Azmin telah menjanjikan jawatan sama kepada Hishammuddin.
9. Permainan belakang tabir Azmin ini telah benar-benar merosakkan reputasi PH selain menconteng arang di muka Dr Mahathir sendiri. Pemimpin PH dan rakyat keseluruhnya wajib menolak pengkhianat seperti Azmin dan Hishammuddin! - Mantan Wartawan Utusan Melayu
PH administration may not
survive a full term?...
The Pakatan Harapan power transition agreement drawn up before the 2018 general elections apparently did not take into consideration the issue of human nature. Many believed that the other three parties were strong enough to tame down PPBM's wild ambitions to ensure that Mahathirism would not be resuscitated by virtue of their much larger combined number of seats. We were too naive!
If Tun Mahathir were to step down next May, some of the incumbent ministers may have to be struck out in the subsequent cabinet reshuffle. Sure enough the vested interest will not want Mahathir to leave this soon, and will come up with all kinds of plans and designs to keep their existing powers and interests for as long as possible. New Malaysia and PH's reform agenda? Those are not their concern.
After PKR president Anwar Ibrahim made that intriguing remark at the Dewan rakyat recently, the secretaries-general and organising secretaries of the four PH component parties issued their statements on the same evening, warning former Umno vice president Hishammuddin Hussein and his allies against setting up a new government without DAP and Amanah.
That was soon followed by a statement from the PKR supreme council cautioning all parties against the hidden agenda tailored to advance the political interests of certain individuals, saying that such agenda in betrayal of public trust and mandate was obviously born out of fear of being probed and charged in court.
It has been reported that some PH leaders are taking part in Hishammuddin's plot but their objective is not to form a new government but to ensure Mahathir will stay for a full term of five years. Among the key persons in the “Save Mahathir Operation” are economic affairs minister Azmin Ali, entrepreneurship development minister Mohd Redzuan, and former Umno's MP for Larut Hamzah Zainudin, who has since defected to PPBM.

A report says in exchange for the support for Mahathir's full term, they will be spared their charges, with the only exceptions of Najib and Ahmad Zahid. It is impossible for the four secretariats to issue such statements without any evidence in hand, and without the green light from the prime minister, who would have the guts to orchestrate such an operation to bring down the PH government?
Nevertheless, even with the full support of Umno and PAS, the “pro-Mahathir” faction will not be able to secure half of all the 222 parliamentary seats. Moreover, some of the Umno leaders like Najib and Ahmad Zahid may not join in because to them, Mahathir is the one who has crushed Umno's dominance in the country's politics.
Umno has pinned their hopes on the collapse of the PH government so that a snap election could be called, and Umno stands a chance of recapturing Putrajaya and sees their court cases dissolved, with the help of PAS.
Joining the operation to extend Mahathir's tenure now will not do Umno any good. Instead of submitting themselves to Mahathir, why not wait until the general elections and throw out the government in a justifiable way? As such, Hishammuddin's plan may not get the endorsement of most Umno leaders. Ahmad Zahid has expressed his wish to work closely with PAS. Umno leaders have seen the party's cooperation with PAS as the best bet for the party's resurgence.

DAP badly hurt by LTTE...
The PH government is currently facing onslaughts from both within and without the coalition, its approval rating having plummeted to a pathetic 35%. That said, PH leaders lack a sense of crisis, as they are still engrossed with power and factional struggles while the country's economic outlook remains bleak.
There is hardly any breakthrough for DAP within the coalition. The Jawi standoff remains unresolved; two of its state assemblymen have been nabbed for allegedly supporting LTTE, and the education ministry has instructed schools to reject “Belt and Road” comics published by Asia Comics and Cultural Museum in Penang. All these have made DAP a target of public wrath.
The exchange of fire between the grassroots at DAP and PPBM has highlighted the divergent political philosophies of the two parties. Whenever DAP hits out at education minister Maszlee Malik, PPBM will fight back for sure.
There are problems within each of the PH component parties. PKR's Azmin Ali is leaning towards Tun Mahathir in stopping Anwar from taking over the premiership. It is rumoured that Azmin has the support of 15 PKR MPs. If the party eventually becomes divided, the power transition plan will invariably be defeated.
Meanwhile, DAP leaders have been too arrogant over the UTAR allocation issue. If this is not resolved amicably, the party's support among Chinese voters will be compromised. As for PPBM, the party's racial card has failed to win it additional Malay votes while non-Malays have lost their faith in the party. If the Tanjung Piai by-election is lost, grassroots voices calling for a review of the coalition's leadership and policies will become inescapable.
The PH government is facing a possible eventuality of collapse, and may not even last until the end of a full term. - sinchewdaily
Ucapan penutup Presiden Jokowi, "Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om".'Om Shanti' means peace for the all human kind, peace for all living and non living beings, peace for the universe, peace for each and every things in this whole cosmic manifestation.
