
Najib Razak Highlights The Increase in Price of McDonalds Menu Items


Former PM Najib Razak Raises Concerns About Increasing Prices Of McDonald’s

McDonald’s increasing the prices every yeas, has raised a few eyebrows.

Najib Razak highlighted this in a social media post. 

The prices of McDonald’s menu items, has increased between 40 to 86% since 2017, he urged the relevant Minister to look into the matter.

Source: Facebook

Najib decided to compare the prices of some of the popular McDonald’s items from December 2017 versus now. As noted by the former PM, the prices of the meals have experienced substantial increment in recent years. For instance, the price of the all-time favourite McChicken burger has witnessed a 86% price hike, rising from RM5 to RM9.29. Even the McNuggets Happy Meal is now 68% more expensive, with the price jumping from RM6.80 to RM11.42.

“Have the prices gone down after the GST (Goods and Services Tax) was abolished? Where is the ‘RM50 full trolley’ gang after GE14? Hopefully the Minister can keep track on why the prices of McDonald’s keep increasing every year because this is shocking,” Najib wrote in his post.

Source: Facebook.
