
Chef Wan loses defamation suit, pays RM150,000 to former son-in-law


CHEF WAN: Although I tried to prove the truth, my lawyer said the way I attacked him on social media was wrong. - BERNAMA photo

CHEF WAN: Although I tried to prove the truth, my lawyer said the way I attacked him on social media was wrong. - BERNAMA photo

KUALA LUMPUR: Celebrity chef Datuk Redzuawan Ismail or Chef Wan was relieved by the Court of Appeal's decision yesterday which ordered him to pay RM150,000 in damages to his former son-in-law.

It was in relation to a defamatory publication against Gavin Edward O'Luanaigh on a social media platform, where a panel of judges allowed Serina's ex-husband's appeal to overturn the High Court's decision.

In a statement issued through social media today, Chef Wan said, he accepted the decision with an open heart and was ready to move on with his life.

"Last night I was informed by my lawyer about this latest news, after an appeal was made by the opponent, after he lost in the High Court last year.

"We fought for more than three years, if I'm not mistaken, bringing all the witnesses. Finally, I won the case and was awarded RM25,000," said Chef Wan.

According to him, the compensation received, along with an additional RM60,000 of his own money, was fully donated to the Malaysian Cancer Research Center because he did not need the money.

Earlier this year, he said, he was informed of an appeal made by his former son-in-law, which resulted in a decision in favor of O'Luanaigh.

"Although I tried to prove the truth, my lawyer said the way I attacked him on social media was wrong.

"So, it is not my story that is incorrect. Therefore, I accept the court's decision," he said.

Chef Wan also stated that he was tired of facing prolonged family drama, adding that this court decision would however allow him and his family to move forward.

He also emphasized that the money is not very important to him and he prioritizes the peace and happiness of his family.

"The good thing is, we finally managed to remove him from our lives and my daughter is now happier. Alhamdulillah," he said again.

"For me, that money is like a drop in the ocean and tomorrow we will have sustenance from work and we will get it back," he said.

Chef Wan said, he hopes this life story will be a lesson to all men about responsibility and loyalty to a wife.

Jokingly, he added, his life story might be suitable for a movie.

"Don't you agree if I say that this true history of my life can be a great movie? It can 'return the capital' and create a 'box office'!" he said.
